In the almost ten years time this homepage has been online and growing steadily, it would not have been possible in the present form but for the friendly support and feedback from people all over the world. This is especially true for my girlfriend, Martina Eleveld, whose good ideas and fine photos have done very much to improve this homepage.
In this context I would like to say thank you to my father, Hartmut Nordsieck (Frankfurt), Dr. Vollrath Wiese (Cismar) and Dr. Bruce Livett (Melbourne, Australia) for the friendly support in scientific matters.
I would also like to specially thank MMag. Irene Drozdowski and Mag. Alexander Mrkvicka of the Vienna Woods Biosphere Park in Lower Austria, for inviting me in such a friendly way to take part in GEO days of species diversity and to improve my knowledge on Vienna snails. Also I would like to thank Mag. Mrkvicka for the generous gift of many photos of Austrian terrestrial and fresh water molluscs.
A special thank you I would like to say to the former head of the Mollusca department (Department Zoology III) in the Vienna Natural History Museum, Dr. Karl Edlinger, and also to his successor in office, Mag. Anita Eschner for allowing me to use the Mollusc library and helping me in many ways.
Many mollusc friends and divers have been so friendly as to provide me with a lot of pictures, so I was not limited to molluscs from my doorstep.
I do not want to refrain from specially mentioning the homepages, whose owners supported me in my work in such a friendly way: Underwater Photo Gallery of Dave Harasti.